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SAP Project Expertise

E-Com Group SAP Expertise, SAP Consultants, SAP Team, SAP Teamwork

In this challenging world of human capital management we recognise there is no one solution that suits all companies, therefore E-Com has developed 4 distinct solutions to ensure we are able to meet the recruitment demands for almost all potential business scenarios. These solutions have evolved over time and are constantly reviewed to ensure that we can offer the best possible service.


Contract Procurement; A 365 days a year, 7 days a week and 24 hours a day service to help you procure the necessary resource for your project shortfalls. We pride ourselves in sourcing the rare skills in the market, quickly, efficiently and within budget.


Permanent Recruitment; whether you are looking for contingent services to find one person or a retained campaign, our team is always on hand to help, advise and ultimately achieve your goal.


Managed Agency; Often a more strategic approach is required to acquire the resources you need, especially when you are a high profile project that requires tact and confidentiality. Our Harness team are experienced in handling the complete process from vetting your agencies, providing a short-list of resources and to advising on remuneration packages.


Monthly or weekly lists highlighting available skills in your desired technology, sent directly to you to help plan, project and secure future resources. This is tailored to your needs whether that is driven by price, availability or even locality.


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